The Guild offers a weaving ratings program for full members. Three levels may be achieved by a weaver: Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master. The program is a valuable study guide which offers critical analysis of your work as you progress and bestows recognition on those who meet the standards.
Each rating must be earned in sequence, starting with Apprentice. Ratings submission packages, consisting of weaving, written answers to questions, and a project notebook, may be submitted once a year. The work is anonymously evaluated by three judges, at least two of whom are master weavers, according to criteria outlined in the Requirements. The candidate receives written feedback.
To give you a flavor of what's involved, Apprentice requires six woven articles (plus three gamps or two gamps and a color wheel) demonstrating good knowledge of small number of weaves, sound technique, project planning and record keeping. Journeyman is a more ambitious undertaking. It requires about twelve projects that exhibit thorough knowledge of ten weaves, excellent technique, and application of color theory.
Master Weaver candidates prepare in-depth sampler studies of multiple treadlings on a single threading, rug, doubleweave, and tapestry work, as well as original use of a variety of fibers. Their work culminates in a Masterpiece project. Master Weavers are also expected to demonstrate teaching skills by submitting a paper, lesson plan, short talk or other teaching vehicle.
Anne Adams - Apprentice

Merriel Miller - Apprentice