Awards Guidelines
The Awards Committee would like to help WGB members with choosing who should be recognized for the listed awards in the Handbook. Specific definitions are found in the Handbook and on the Website. We like to recognize our members for their achievements, craft, continued education, and service to the Guild or weaving community.
The following awards are available:
Dorothy Glowaki Newer Weaver Award is given to a newer weaver who is actively pursuing their weaving education.
Deborah Berry Creativity Award given to a weaver who is exploring the creative aspects of the field.
Helen Barrett Service Award is given for outstanding service to the Weavers Guild of Boston. This should include going far beyond usual service in a single job, or, serving in multiple positions.​
Celebration of Weaving Life Award is given in memory members of the guild who have passed away in the past year.
Connie Gallagher Teaching and Research Award is given to a weaver who has exceptional teaching or research skills.
Mary Merrill Distinguished Achievement Award is given to a master or similar level weaver who has made a major contribution at the national level.
Honorary Membership, the rare and highest honor the guild gives, is awarded to a member who has made outstanding contributions to the larger weaving community.
How to Submit:
Only present or long-term past members are eligible for WGB awards. Recommendations for awards must be received by the April Meeting. Every nominee must have two letters of recommendation for the award to be considered, so please make an effort to find a second for your recommendation.
Please send, preferably by email, the person’s name, the award name, and the reasons (one to three paragraphs) for the recommendation. Include pictures of the individual and his/her work if possible.
Please contact any of the Award Committee Members if you have questions.
Ginny Hamilton and Pat Vinter