Instructor: Janet Dawson
Workshop Description: Weaving Tips and TricksJuly 24 - 30, 2024
Video Duration: Approximately 2 hours
The hints, tips, and suggestions for warping and weaving that tend to be show stoppers during classes from beginning to advanced. Something for everyone no matter how long you've been weaving, since it's always worth seeing how other folks do something and adding more tools to your weaver's toolbox. Janet will describe and demonstrate her top two or three hints (and favourite household gadgets!) for each step of the weaving process: winding warps, beaming the warp, threading the heddles, tying up, and sitting down to weave.
Supplies: None
Materials/Handouts Fee: None
Attendee Limit: Unlimited
Instructor Bio: Janet learned to weave at the Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design in 1994 and has been teaching in person and online since 2000. She’s best known for her Floor Loom Weaving class on and the classes and weave-alongs she’s been teaching on Zoom since 2020. She also teaches at guilds, schools, and conferences across the US and Canada. Her classes are so popular that they regularly fill before the topic can even be announced! Along with Tien Chiu, she started the Handweaving Academy (
Weaving Tips and Tricks
This workshop is offered as a VIDEO ONLY.
You will receive an emailed link and reminder a few days prior to the session.