Instructor: Jayne Flanagan
Workshop Description: Crackle for Ratings
Love it or hate it, but it is covered in every Ratings Program so let’s tackle it head on.
Jämtlandsväv, as it is known in Sweden, is a traditional “float weave”, with similarities to Overshot, Summer & Winter, and Advancing Twill. Variations range from “mystery lace” and small scale twill-based patterns to large patterns including polychrome blocks. With two blocks working in tandem, block designs are large scale and simple - which you might see as either “contemporary” or “chunky” - however, large and simple designs invite the use of more color! Many of these same treadling variations are also applicable to traditional Overshot. The goal of the class is to learn the basics of the crackle structure and be exposed to more possibilities through samples and the workshop notes. Suitable for all levels. PDF handouts will include the instructor’s contact information (see also the WGB Yearbook).
Just like an in-person class, there will be no recording of this class. Class participants are encouraged to contact the instructor anytime during and after the class with questions.
Supplies: None
Materials/Handouts Fee: None
Attendee Limit: 20
Instructor Bio: Jayne has been weaving and spinning since the early 1970s and uses looms that she can fix herself; from inkle to drawloom. She completed the New Hampshire Weavers Guild Journeyman I rating a while ago, but is easily distracted by many fiber techniques so is still studying and sampling for Journeyman II. She has taught numerous classes on both weaving and spinning all around New England.
Crackle for Ratings - October 13, 2021
You will receive an email Zoom invitation a few days prior to the class.
There will be no recording of this workshop for later viewing.